CAS Advsign Tykeson Hall hero
Undergraduate Advising

Navigate Scheduling Instructions

  1. Log in to Navigate
  2. Click on “Schedule Appointment”

    diagram for scheduling appointment in Navigate
  3. Choose “College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) Advising”

    Choose College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) Advising for the "College or Department"
  4. Select the appropriate appointment topic:
  • If you are looking for major advising, choose your major at the top.

  • If you are looking for minor advising, choose either Humanities, Social Science, or Natural Science Minor Advising.

  • If you are wanting to explore CAS majors or minors, choose from the following areas under "CAS Advising - Exploring Majors/Min":

    • Expl Hum - ASIA, GLBL, JDST, LAS, All Languages


    • Expl Nat Sci - BI, HPHY, NEUR

    • Expl Nat Sci - BIC, CH, ERTH, MARB, MDIS, PHYS

    • Expl Nat Sci - CYBR, DSCI, MATH, CS, MACS

    • Expl Soc Sci - ANTH, ENVS, GEOG, LING, PSY, SDST

    • Expl Soc Sci - EC, GSS, HIST, IRES, NAIS, PS, SOC, WGSS 

      Choose a major area that you might be exploring.
  • You can also choose Pre-Health Advising.

  1. Choose a date and click “Find Available Time”.  Then find a time that works with your schedule.
  • If you are unable to find an available time, visit drop-in hours

    Choose a time and date that works best for you.
  1. Choose how you would like to meet (i.e. In-Person, Teams, or Zoom) and please share your phone number and any additional information to help the advisor prepare for your appointment.

    diagram of "Choose how you would like to me" in Navigate
  2. Click “Schedule” at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations, you have scheduled your appointment with CAS Academic Advising.